Arrogance? Or well-earned confidence?
Confidence comes as a result of competence. Something that is earned, and that you also hold with humility.
Confidence comes as a result of competence. Something that is earned, and that you also hold with humility.
When we reflect on all that’s happened around us, over which we have no control, it can feel pretty overwhelming. So turning our attention to ourselves, and what we can control, is probably a better use of our time and energy.
Companies have a massive challenge to retain talent, tacit knowledge and SMEs
‘Confidence’ isn’t something you can just pick off the shelf and fling into your trolley during your weekly shop.
It takes time, effort and patience to build.
Now’s the time to plan your Christmas wish list! What do you want more of in your life, or what do you want to know more about?
Music has real power.
It brings out deep emotions like little else. It can evoke feelings of nostalgia, sadness, heartbreak, happiness, energy and strength, sometimes all in the space of one song!
Many people are now choosing to withdraw, either completely or partially, from this relentless cycle of work, just so they can also experience life outside of work.
Charlie Chaplin: ‘I love walking in the rain because no-one can see my tears.”
If the ‘mute all’ function is being (ab)used as a way to silence people so that they can’t use their voices, then this is toxic behaviour
Have you ever experienced professional coaching before? If you haven’t, and you’ve wondered what it’s like, I’d liken it to a journey. An adventure. Imagine: