Have you ever experienced professional coaching before?
If you haven’t, and you’ve wondered what it’s like, I’d liken it to a journey. An adventure.
You’re sitting at home or at work, and you notice you’re getting a bit fed up with the same 4 grey walls staring back at you. Unfulfilled. Stuck. Limited.
So you start to discuss this with someone you can trust.
And then 💡 You decide a change of scenery would do you the world of good.
Opting to go somewhere exotic, you book your flights, pack your bags, and the adventure begins.
And you take your trusty companion with you.
You get to this new place and it looks different. You’re curious about what’s out there, the new sights, new sounds, new smells.
Your trusty companion encourages you to get out there, and follows closely behind.
So you both start to explore, and you discover amazing things, amazing people, new colours, new tastes, adrenaline-rush activities.
You and your companion examine these with curiosity, you ask lots of questions and it leads to more curiosity, so you discover even more.
You develop deep insights about what you value, what you love, what you don’t like, who you are, and you try different foods, wear different colours, maybe realise you’re braver than you thought after kayaking a rapid or bungee jumping off a high bridge.
Together you discover places the brochures didn’t mention.
Colours get brighter, sounds get clearer.
You’re growing your self-awareness and learning lots of new things about yourself – who would have thought!
New options are opening up for you. Maybe you decide that when you get home you want more adventure in your life, or maybe you’re going to paint your grey walls in your lounge a vibrant shade of orange, or maybe go walking in the woods more, or enroll in a new course.
Or maybe, you decide to travel more, see more, and learn more.
So many choices you never knew you had!
You start to make changes, you try on and try out new things, you experiment and play, till you find what’s right for you.
You’ve found your courage and determination.
And gradually you realise you are different. The way you think and feel is different.
And you love the real you!
Transformed and fulfilled.
There’s no going back.
You say goodbye to your trusty companion, or you may say ‘join me on my next adventure’.
This is the journey I accompany my clients on.
Are you packed and ready to roll? Let’s go!