It’s Wednesday Wisdom time!
One of my favourite pieces of wisdom from Simon Sinek!
Leaders should never underestimate the impact their behaviours and the example they set have on organisational culture.
The example set by leaders, good or bad, is a direct invitation for others to do the same. It becomes culture.
So goes the leader, so goes the culture.
And cultural behaviours will directly impact whether people choose to leave or stay.
And remember that those that leave in hurt and anger will never say good things about you or your organisation. And those that leave under these conditions are often your best talent. Gradually your ability to attract new talent becomes harder because the ‘word is out’. And those that stay under these conditions? Well, they hide and stay silent and do their 9-5 and go home having survived another day.
So goes the company.
And those that stay because conditions allow them to thrive and feel respected and valued? Well…they will work hard, innovate and learn with enthusiasm, will create and build great products, provide great customer service and grow loyal customers who will advocate for your great organisation.
So goes the company.

What behaviour choices are you making?
We should first look to ourselves – how WE show up, how people experience US, and what impact WE have on the team.