Today is, allegedly, Blue Monday.
When we’re supposed to be at our most down in the dumps about all sorts of things. Party season is over. It’s still dark a lot of the time. It’s cold. Everything costs an arm and a leg.
A formula someone came up with said it’s true that we’re so blue on the 3rd Monday of January, so it must be.
Ugh. Sigh.
Thank goodness for ‘Happy Valley’ on the BBC to cheer us all up on a Sunday evening!
It all sounds so out of our hands. So helpless. So ‘done to us’. If we aren’t feeling blue on ‘Blue Monday’ then what? There’s something wrong with us? Or we’re just lucky somehow?
There’s enough toxicity in the world. What makes anyone think we need more?
I like to think we make our own choices about how we think and feel, 365 days of the year. About how we choose to show up – for ourselves, and others.
Choosing how we show up doesn’t mean that certain things don’t still worry or upset us.
But approaching problems and difficult situations with a positive attitude and a belief you can change things or make a difference, or doing something kind for someone else, or speaking kindly to ourselves or someone else, or even picking up some rubbish and putting it in the bin, they all make a difference.
And will leave us with a warm glow that no daft formula can throw ice cold water on.
So to hell with Blue Monday! Even if it is cold outside.
What colour do you choose in stead?