What makes a leader a great leader, one that we choose, willingly, to follow?
For me, the first thing is how a leader goes about building relationships with colleagues – at all levels throughout the organisation, and beyond.
It could look something like this…
A leader who puts in the time and effort to build caring connections is one who is doing their bit to create an environment and culture where people want to be, where they feel they belong, where they engage with motivation and enthusiasm.
By making the environment fun and joyful for their team, they are creating fun and enjoyment for themselves too – a great antidote for some of the stresses that also come with the title.
A leader who jumps at the chance to collaborate with others, gets involved in projects and initiatives, listens to ideas and suggestions, nurtures debate and dissent, and encourages innovation and learning through failure is one we want to be around, and one we trust so we can turn up as our most creative selves.
And here’s to the leader who gets their hands dirty through mentoring and coaching their people, helping them to develop knowledge and skills, in addition to confidence and competence. The one who recognises and trusts when a member of their team has earned more autonomy and gives it to them, and supports their career paths, whether that leads them to stay inside the organisation, or out.
Another aspect to building relationships for a leader is their ability to effectively control and regulate their emotions. People need to trust they won’t get yelled at if they are the bearer of bad news, have made a mistake or have missed a deadline.
I once had a leader whose moods were consistently unpredictable. In the morning he could be approachable and friendly, but by afternoon could be grumpy and snappy. It meant everyone was on edge around him and never trusted the good moods.
Remember, building relationships takes time, and effort, so patience, commitment and consistency are key. And yes, it’s a big ask when you throw in the inescapable leadership stresses and demands of a typical day.
By investing in positive connection building with your colleagues, you can create a positive impact and a positive culture people want to be a part of, AND become a leadership role model others can learn from and aspire to become themselves.
If you’re on your journey to becoming a great leader, or maybe you’re curious to understand your current impact as a leader, get in touch. With the support of the Leadership Circle Profile™️ 360° Assessment we can explore your leadership effectiveness in your current context, as well as your motivating mindsets and habits of thought that underpin your behaviours.
And from that we can map out, together, where your journey takes you next. Get in touch…