What does education open up for you?
Education isn’t just learning facts, theories and figures. It’s also about learning from feelings and emotions, responses or reactions, intuition, our bodies.
Education isn’t just learning facts, theories and figures. It’s also about learning from feelings and emotions, responses or reactions, intuition, our bodies.
The rabbit is seen as gentle, peaceful and patient. It thinks before acting, is wise and focuses on relationship building and diplomacy.
Listen to your answers, not to the toxic person who doesn’t know you at all.
Blue Monday: based on a formula someone came up with that said it’s true that we’re so blue on the 3rd Monday of January, so it must be. Or is it?
We notice toxic behaviours in others very easily. We see it all around us. What we often fail to recognise is when our own behaviours are toxic.
Do you look at the new year as a fresh opportunity to focus your mind and make THIS year THE year that your inklings turn into reality?
Get in touch with me to explore how I could support you with your personal journey or your team’s journey to the top of your mountain. You matter. Your team matters. Your journey matters. I’m here to help.