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coaching agile teams
agile business coach

Christina's Coaching Insights...

Emotions are important!

We all know that our emotions powerfully drive our actions. If those workplace emotions are predominantly negative, what behaviours and actions do you think they’ll drive?

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Netflix? Or action?

The secret sauce to avoid ‘avoiding’ is to ensure your goals are grounded in heartfelt meaning or purpose and are part of a longer term plan or event.

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Warning! Paradox ahead!

We’re conditioned, without really thinking about it, to think in twos. Black or white. Hot or cold. Right or wrong. It keeps things neat and simple and stable for us.

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Let's get started...

Get in touch with me to explore how I could support you with your personal journey or your team’s journey to the top of your mountain. You matter. Your team matters. Your journey matters. I’m here to help.

Mountain High Coaching
