Imagine…it’s 4.58 on a Friday afternoon. End of the working week.
What’s the feeling?
“Thank @#!$* that’s over!”
“Freeeeeedom! At least till Monday.”
“There’s never enough time!”
“I’ll finish that off over the weekend in between the chores, kids, the Tesco shop, mowing the lawn and Netflix.”
If any of that, or something like it, is you every Friday, that’s a lot of Fridays where you’re probably leaving your working week feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled, stressed, exhausted, bored, trapped.
How much of that then clings to you over the weekend, like a dark grey cloud casting a shadow, only to be carried back into work again on a Monday morning?
That doesn’t have to be how it is.
If you’re looking for more balance, more fulfillment and joy, to create more choices, and generate more energy, get in touch.
It’s amazing what talking through your disappointments and overload can do to help you gain clarity, find freedom in new choices, prioritise what’s really important to you, set some self-care boundaries, overcome the things that are getting in your way, and co-create new goals and colourful adventures to help you achieve from your life, both personally and professionally, what you long for, and deserve.
Imagine then what you’d be feeling at 4.58 on a Friday afternoon!
And at 8.58 on a Monday morning, for that matter.

What behaviour choices are you making?
We should first look to ourselves – how WE show up, how people experience US, and what impact WE have on the team.