Wednesday Wisdom time, and I found this quote from Bob Anderson of The Leadership Circle really thought provoking.
When I first read it my thought was “Transformation is Marmite!” Love it or hate it.
The thing about personal transformation is that it typically involves changing long established patterns and habits of thought and action.
It can be difficult and challenging to embark on a journey to transform because it can require significant effort, time, commitment, determination and resources to implement successfully and effectively.
And it can be really hard to let go of what is familiar and known, even if we know it’s not working for us, and move towards the unknown, the unfamiliar and the uncertain.
So we often resist. We teeter on that edge, afraid of what’s on the other side, and sometimes we step back, stay safe, and make do.
But for those that take the leap over the edge, after the initial ‘omg what have I done’ panic, they gradually find a place where they allow themselves to grow, adapt, and thrive in a changing world, the strength and wisdom to overcome obstacles, develop new skills, and improve their lives.
They begin to embrace the joy of self-discovery, they build their resilience, and empower themselves to reach their full potential.
Moreover, they develop increased self-awareness, nurture improved relationships and stronger connection, and deeply feel a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose in life.
You’ll know when, if, you’re ready to make that leap. No-one can push you or hold you back. It’s your choice whether you do or don’t.
If something is holding you back, make sure you figure out what that is, and if it’s worth it. Maybe it’s the wrong leap for you.
If something is compelling you forward, make sure you know what that is, and if it’s worth it. Then take the leap.
And get in touch if you think it would help you to have some help with that journey, whichever direction it’s taking you.

What behaviour choices are you making?
We should first look to ourselves – how WE show up, how people experience US, and what impact WE have on the team.