Ain’t this the truth!?!
We have big dreams, things we want to achieve, and places we want to go. But then we stand firmly in our own way because we perceive the effort to be too much.
Simon Sinek once said in one of his interviews that people standing at the bottom of their mountain can see the top, they know that’s where they want to be, but they just don’t want to have to make the climb to get there.
But the climb is where we build muscle, determination and resilience, where we learn new skills, where we build our competence and confidence as we look back at how far we’ve come, where we might need to pause to catch our breath or reassess, where we learn perseverance, where even the wrong turns can still provide us with insights and appreciation, where we earn the right to be at the top of our mountain.
Whatever that represents for us.
Don’t go through life avoiding the magic of the journey.

What behaviour choices are you making?
We should first look to ourselves – how WE show up, how people experience US, and what impact WE have on the team.